Email vs Social Media? It’s a no brainer.

If you’re putting all of your marketing efforts into your social media, we really need to talk…

Did you know that email campaigns have an ROI of over 4,000% ?

(yes, that’s the correct number of zeros!)


If you have been thinking that email is dead, think again. The power of landing in someone’s inbox is the strongest ever.

Not only is it one of the easiest and most economical forms of marketing, but it’s actually growing in effectiveness.

Here are a few quirky facts for you to digest:

  • 4 out of 5 marketers said they would give up social media before email marketing
  • 35% of marketers send their customers 3-5 emails per week
  • 78% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last 12 months
  • 78% also said that email is important to overall company success compared to 71% in 2019
  • On average, B2B companies send one email campaign per 25 days
  • 87% of B2B marketers say email is one of their top free organic distribution channels
  • The average email open rate is around 20% and click-through rate is 5% (at resource, we average around 40% open rate with 30% click-through…just saying…!!)

[Stats from]


So, why are we rabbiting on about email campaigns? Well, because we are often asked for tips on how to grow leads and increase loyalty and this is always a major part of our answer (way before sending you to empty your wallet on Facebook ads)!


Through email you are really connecting with your client. You are reminding them who you are and what you do, keeping your business front of mind when they need you. It’s also a fab tool for market research, learning what your audience wants from you (and what they don’t!).


So, how do you create an effective email campaign?


  1. Build a solid email list


You should be shouting out loud that you have a newsletter in order to collect email addresses from relevant people.

Add embedded subscription boxes to high traffic areas of your website and to you email signature. Give people a reason to sign up – a lead magnet really helps. Give people FOMO if they don’t sign up!

Oh and always use a double opt-in to save yourself from headaches with bounce-backs and GDPR compliance.


  1. Types of emails


Consider what type of emails you are going to be sending. Generally, these fall into the category of:

  • Sales Promos
  • Seasonal messages
  • VIP discounts/special offers
  • Transactional (receipts, booking confirmations, appointment reminders etc)
  • Business updates


  1. Design


These days, most email marketing tools have templates you can use or they are drag and drop. Keep it simple, design one template and reuse it. This makes it faster for you but also your audience recognises your brand.

A tip here, don’t create a flashy email in Canva and copy across. Email providers hate this and will send it straight into that dreaded junk folder.


  1. Content


Keep the email simple and text heavy for the best results. Start with a hook that makes people want to read on, and provide lots of value in every email. You want your audience to look forward to it hitting their inboxes and actually want to open them, right? Sales-heavy content won’t do that.

Don’t forget to add a call to action either, ask your audience to ‘reply’, ‘click through to..’, ‘book here’, ‘download’, ‘call us’ etc.


  1. Send and Analyse results


This is where the gold lies! To answer all those questions we know you have such as ‘what’s the best time to send’, ‘what content works best’, ‘what are the best call to actions’, the answers lie in your analytics!

Every email tool will have some level of insights, but to deep-dive you probably need a paid version. Once you have sent half a dozen you will start to see patterns in what is resonating with you audience and where to make tweaks for improvements.


Additional points to consider:

Ensure your email is mobile friendly, most platforms will allow you to preview this to check. On that note, always test your emails thoroughly before sending! You’ll want to make sure that every link works, text is easy to read, images are correctly formatted etc. Getting a second pair of eyes is highly recommended for this!

We also recommend setting up an automated email sequence for when people first sign up. This is often called a ‘nurture sequence’ as it welcomes your new subscriber and tells them about you and your company. This sets the tone for what they can expect from you and also builds that connection from the offset so they’re more open to viewing your sales/offers down the track.

We also recommend creating emails that link to a new article or blog on your website. This not only increases traffic to your site but also boosts your SEO.

So, are you ready to set up your first email campaign?

If this all seems like WAAAYY too much hard work, we got you. Give us a call today and we will take care of everything for you!



Questions, anyone?

Drop us a note in the fields here and we’ll get back to you pronto.