When was the last time you won something?
Not like a meat tray at the Bowlo. More like an award for your extraordinary awesomeness.
Has it been a while?
Do you remember the feeling?
Nice, right?
Sure, getting lucky with a sweet, sweet meat tray from your local on a Saturday night is tops but, in our books, there’s nothing better than winning an award for the things you do Monday to Friday.
Regardless of the industry you’re in, there will almost certainly be a relevant, annual awards program in your professional circle of orbit. Beside industry-specific awards, there are countless awards programs that recognise local businesses, small businesses, innovative businesses, start-ups, rising stars, entrepreneurs, women in business, apprentices—the list is almost endless.
The rings are everywhere. All you have to do is toss your hat in.
Why do it?
Recognition. Respect. Reward.
We’ve helped numerous businesses with awards submissions of all kinds over the years. And one thing we know for sure is that the process of individuals collaborating on the submission, recognising their individual contributions to an award-worthy project is often the greatest reward.
Yes, a nice shiny thing for the trophy cabinet is nice, of course. As is being short-listed as a finalist. But that sense of ‘Heck, yes, we did a damned fine job on that project’ that comes from a well-assembled awards submission is hard to beat.
Submissions requirements vary greatly from program to program. Some can be completed in a matter of hours, others can take weeks. They are always woth doing.
So, get your team together and get started. And if you need steady hand to guide you through the process and help you tell your story, then don’t hesitate to contact us.
We luuurrrve doing awards submissions.
And remember, even if the submission requirements for awards program you’re condsidering are bigger than Ben Hur, all of that submission content can be sliced and diced many ways for extra mileage—blog and social posts, press releases and case studies, for example.
[We can help you with those, too.]
So, good luck with your awards submissions and pub raffles!
Here’s to a future filled with gleaming statuettes and Glad-Wrapped trays of meaty goodness with a tiny sprig of curly parsley just for looks.
Drop us a note in the fields here and we’ll get back to you pronto.